May 23rd, 2017
Memang, dulu di sampingnya ada seseorang yang memimpikan
mimpi-mimpinya, melakukan yang dia lakukan, ikut ke mana pun dia melangkah.
Beda dengan aku yang cuma bisa senyum dan bangga dengan semua yang dia
kerjakan. Dari jauh. Kagum dengan jiwanya. Salut akan pencapaiannya. Juga banyak belajar dari cara dia mensyukuri hidup.
May 26th, 2017
Maybe you are nobody for universe. But you are the universe for
Kalimat ini cocok
Let me make it clear.
When he gives a
"love" or "thumb" or "reply" or "eye"
on my social media activities, I felt complete as like as the universe was
completely taking care on my whole day. I don't need anybody else.
May 26th, 2017
Even to spell his name makes me have a hearthbeat
May 27th, 2017
Penampilannya manly, hobinya maskulin. Tapi tampangnya enggak kayak "bad boy" gitu. Jadi nggak seksi. HAHAHAHAH. Sering senyum sih.
I hope I can tell you this one day:
"I love all the way when you showed your love to your girl. And now I still love it when you do the same on me."
Makasih yaa karena sudah melihat dan berbagi. I feel so blessed.
May 11th, 2018
I hope I can tell you this one day:
"I love all the way when you showed your love to your girl. And now I still love it when you do the same on me."
March 4th, 2020
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