Papaku Fotografer

Ini cerita tentang perjalanan pulang dari Bengkulu ke Lampung.
Sepulang mengantar adik kembali ke rantaunya di Bengkulu, aku dan Bapak pulang ke Lampung hanya berdua, mengendarai si vintage merah, Soluna.

Perjalanan yang seharusnya hanya ditempuh selama 8 jam, bertambah lama menjadi sekitar 12 jam. Di samping karena hanya ada satu orang supir, perjalanan semakin lama karena kami singgah di banyak tempat hanya untuk sekedar berfoto. Iya, berfoto.

Bapak tau kalau aku dan Yustin sedang suka-sukanya mengambil gambar pemandangan melalui kamera pocket kami yang sederhana. Lagipula, belum tentu setiap tahun aku bisa kembali ke Bengkulu, menyusuri sepanjang jalan lintas barat Sumatera dan menikmati pemandangan alamnya. Dia tau bagian mana yang menarik untuk diabadikan melalui lensa kamera.

"Berhenti dulu kita? Ambil gambar?"
Kadang seperti itu kalimat yang Bapak lontarkan untuk kami menepikan si Merah di pinggir jalan.

"Lihat! Lihat! Coba ambil gambarnya."
Bapak, saat menunjuk pemandangan Samudra Hindia.

Bahkan saat sore menjelang magrib di Pesisir Selatan, Bapak tetap menepikan mobil di pinggir jalan yang aspalnya tertutupi longsoran tanah hanya agar aku bisa mengabadikan pemandangan dari seberang pulau Pisang.

Silahkan menikmati hasil hunting kami di sepanjang pantai bagian barat pulau Sumatera.

Yeah! He asked me to take his picture. Location at one of the beach in Bengkulu.
Mandatory photo of my father.. Yeah! He asked me to take his picture. The location is at one of the beach in Bengkulu.

One of a landmark in Bengkulu: Pantai Panjang.

I forgot where is this place excatly located. Somewhere around Kaur maybe. Something that I remember about this picture is we were visiting a stanger's house just to survey the price of coconut.

Me, captured by self-time mode. Can you spot where's my daddy?
This picture is located near to the previous photo above. See, the arrangement of rocks form the dam. I rarely see something like this.

What a relaxing lunch! Ya! we had our lunch by the beach.

I asked him to take my picture. Not a bad result. He actually show his talent on photography. Hahaha

Oh, the colour of the Indian Ocean is so adorable. What colour is it acctually? Green? Blue? Turquoise?

And the waves! It's looks like a cloud, isn't it?

Sky. Ship. Sea. Waves. Stone. Sand. Vitamin Sea!

Let me remember.. We just entering our home, Lampung. Take a rest by the beach, Breathe the beachy air..

Our lovely Soluna.

Actually, we've arrived at Pesisir Barat and just continuing our trip to reach home. But, my daddy had another plan, he pursuaded me to visit the beach just want to show me a lagoon he ever visited. After that, he visited a local home to survey the price of coconut again. When he was chitt-chatting, I went to the beach, by the way the beach was behind this camera.
And my eyes look to the vintage red, it was so photogenic. Captured!

Our journey was too long, even when in the dusk we still see the ocean on our right. But my daddy with his photographer eyes forced to take a rest and enjoying the venue. Across us is an island, named Pulau Pisang.
